Leggi il Testo Heart Upon My Sleeve Avicii. “Heart Upon My Sleeve” è una canzone di Avicii, Dj prematuramente scomparso ad Aprile 2018. Heart Upon My Sleeve è estratta dall’album “True“. Heart Upon My Sleeve Lyrics
Avicii Album True > https://amzn.to/2Hiq4VE
Testo Heart Upon My Sleeve Avicii
With my heart upon my sleeve
My head down low and I still feel broken
And down upon my knees
With my head down low I and I still feel broken
Where are you? Where are you?
I know that I need you most and
A heart upon my sleeve, broken down
I guess I’m just down I’d like some bitch to get me out of here!
I guess I’m just down I’d like some bitch to get me out of here!
With my heart upon my sleeve
With my head down low and I still feel broken
Down upon my knees
With my head down low I and I still feel broken
Where are you? where are you?
I know that I need you most and
A heart upon my sleeve, broken down, down, down, down
Testo Heart Upon My Sleeve Avicii